Refreshing Dessert with Apple Sauce

Refreshing Dessert with Apple Sauce

A fresh harmony between apples and Somen. Sweet and sour apples make this recipe refreshing. If you have difficulty finding time to eat in the morning, nutritious apples are great when you’re on the go!
How to cook
  1. Peel 3/4 of the apple, slice thinly and dip into lemon juice to keep them from oxidizing.
  2. Simmer the apple slices with sugar, salt, and lemon juice.
  3. Allow the simmered apple to cool to room temperature and then make a sauce by placing it into a food processor and adding French dressing.
  4. Boil the Somen until al dente and place in a dish. Pour the mentsuyu and place the apple sauce (made in Step 3) over the Somen. Cut the remaining 1/4 apple and perilla leaves into thin strips and garnish on top. Sprinkle with yukari.
Ingredients / for 4 servings
  • 2 bundles of Ibonoito Somen
  • 1 apple
  • 120cc mentsuyu (soy-based dipping soup for noodles), "straight type" (no need to dilute)
  • 80cc French dressing
  • 2 perilla leaves
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Yukari (salted and dried red perilla flakes)
  • 1 lemon