Salty Sweet Beef Noodles

Salty Sweet Beef Noodles

How to cook
  1. Boil the Shinbaku for slightly less than the time shown on the packaging, put it in a strainer, and rinse well by rubbing with hands in clean water. Drain the water.
  2. Cut the beef into bite-sized pieces, and break the white scallion into six equal parts.
  3. Put the salad oil into a frying pan and place it over medium heat. Once it has warmed up, add (2) to saute.
    Once the white scallion has been sauted, take it out, and, once the beef has been thoroughly cooked, mix in (A).
  4. Add the mentsuyu and water to the pot and boil, then add the noodles from (1) to warm them up.
    Move to a dish and top with the white scallion and beef from (3). Chop the mitsuba and sprinkle it over the dish.
    Cut the myoga ginger pickled in sweet vinegar into four equal slices, and use it to garnish the dish.
Ingredients / for 2 servings
  • 2 bundles of Shinbaku
  • 150 g of thin-sliced beef
  • 1/2 a white scallion
  • 1 teaspoon of salad oil
  • 1/2 a piece of myoga ginger pickled in sweet vinegar
  • Mitsuba (to taste)
  • 200 ml of mentsuyu (soy-based dipping soup for somen, straight-type)
  • 400 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of mirin
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce

How to cook myoga ginger pickled in sweet vinegar

How to cook
  1. Cut about 5 mm off the root of the myoga ginger, then cut it in half lengthwise and boil it.
  2. Put (A) in a small pot and place it over medium heat. Once it starts to boil, cool it off. Once it has cooled down, drain and pickle (1).
An easy-to-make quantity
  • 3 or 4 pieces of myoga ginger
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 pinches of salt